Artificial intelligence and intellectual property law

SMART Coworking Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, 2nd floor, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property With rapid technological advances, the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property is becoming an area of growing importance. Jonathan Hikson, head of the legal department at Augé Group and an intellectual property lawyer, will give a presentation on the current challenges posed by AI for intellectual … Continue reading Artificial intelligence and intellectual property law

Afterwork 16/05 – 19:00h

Izai Andorra Restaurante Carrer Antic Carrer Major, 32, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

No et perdis l'oportunitat de connectar amb companys i fer nous amics! Vine al nostre Afterwork el pròxim 16 de maig, a les 19:00 h. És el moment ideal per relaxar-te després de la feina, compartir experiències i gaudir d'una estona agradable amb altres professionals. T'esperem en un ambient distès on podràs desconnectar de la … Continue reading Afterwork 16/05 – 19:00h

Tea tasting workshop 28/05 – 17:00h

SMART Coworking Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, 2nd floor, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Explore the art of tea tasting in an international setting! Join us on May 28th at 5:00 PM for a tea tasting workshop presented by Mon thé, in either French or English. You will discover an exquisite selection of five different types of tea: white, green, red, oolong, and black, each paired with delicious sweets … Continue reading Tea tasting workshop 28/05 – 17:00h

Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología ACTINN 30/05 – 19:00h

SMART Coworking Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, 2nd floor, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Presentació ACTINN: Construyendo Conexiones: Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología Actinn Te invitamos a una presentación detallada por Ignasi Martin, Cluster Manager de Actinn, quien nos presentará el Cluster de Innovación y Nuevas Tecnologías. Este evento es ideal para aquellos que buscan unirse a una comunidad enfocada en tecnología y descubrir sinergias. Participa en … Continue reading Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología ACTINN 30/05 – 19:00h