Artificial intelligence and intellectual property law

SMART Coworking Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, 2nd floor, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property With rapid technological advances, the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property is becoming an area of growing importance. Jonathan Hinkson, head … Continue reading Artificial intelligence and intellectual property law

Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología ACTINN 30/05 – 19:00h

SMART Coworking Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, 2nd floor, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Presentació ACTINN: Construyendo Conexiones: Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología Actinn Te invitamos a una presentación detallada por Ignasi Martin, Cluster Manager de Actinn, quien nos presentará el Cluster … Continue reading Descubre el Cluster de Innovación y Tecnología ACTINN 30/05 – 19:00h

Understanding the New Catalan Law in collaboration with ABAST Global 06/06 – 19:00h

SMART Coworking PB Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, PB, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Join us for an insightful presentation by Albert Barroso, partner at Abast Global, who will guide us through the essential details of the new Catalan law in Andorra. This event … Continue reading Understanding the New Catalan Law in collaboration with ABAST Global 06/06 – 19:00h

Les despeses del meu negoci. Què puc deduir i què no? 25/06 – 19:00h

SMART Coworking PB Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, PB, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Dirigit als empresaris i autònoms d'Andorra, aquest taller ofereix una oportunitat única per comprendre millor les deduccions fiscals aplicables al teu negoci. Explorarem en detall quines despeses poden ser deduïdes … Continue reading Les despeses del meu negoci. Què puc deduir i què no? 25/06 – 19:00h

Actinn&Talks: Association agreement between Andorra and European Union 09/07 – 19:00h

SMART Coworking PB Av. Princep Benlloch 26-30, PB, Andorra la Vella, Andorra la Vella, Andorra

The Association Agreement with the EU would be a historic step for Andorra. Essentially, it would be a framework for co-operation designed to strengthen relations between the Principality and the … Continue reading Actinn&Talks: Association agreement between Andorra and European Union 09/07 – 19:00h